Hi All--
This is my first post to the PD list. I'm sure that I will be here for a while, as I have just started developing with PD and am fairly addicted. My problem is this: I am trying to get my linux laptop (a thinkpad t41p) running full duplex i/o with alsa on fedora core 3 (planetccrma). No matter what buffer settings I use, my audio input is always garbled. I get nice clear output with a 5ms audiobuf setting though. Audio input through JACK is fine (but I also can't get Fernando's packaged PD to work with JACK, going to try to compile it myself). The audio chipset is intel8x0. Anyone have any clues?
I apologize if this isn't the appropriate list for this question...please guide.
Thanks very much, Jacob Last Amherst, MA USA