Is it possible to eliminate the feature by which the order of the output messages (when one point has several outputs) are sent? This can be useful in the beggining, but in the next day (or hour) one does not remember already the output order, and can lead to some very annoying problems. Maybe it is preferible to use trigger and everything is clear the next time the patch is opened, as to the current situation. (or in other words, to work as in max) (if this is not clear, it is the feature explained in file 03.connections.pd)
Or is this feature already out in the latest versions?
Another question: is there any kind of multi-line object - a line that accepts more than one segment? (like csound's linseg) In the libraries I have here (the main ones) couldn't find any.
question 3: is there any kind of dial object, but which allows more than one square to be active? Or the choice is to put several toggles in pilled up?
João Miguel Pais