I'm not sure about the number of channels, however there is a slightly round-about way to get the number of samples from a file. Write to an array using [soundfiler] with the -resize flag. Then use [arraysize] to find the size of the array. Et voila, the number of samples in your file. Hope that helps
From: reduzierer@yahoo.de To: pd-list@iem.at Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 23:30:53 +0100 Subject: [PD] acquiring information about wav files
Hi all
I am looking for a way to get information about WAV files in Pd, specifically the number of channels and the number of frames. I know [wavinfo], but it does not seem to work on windows ("error: could not read WAV-header" with any file I could find) and on linux it seems to read only a subset of WAV formats. It does not read from widely used broadcast format WAV files. The target platform is windows AND linux anyway in this case, so I need a portable solution.
The most troubling fact is, that some Pd-vanilla classes ([soundfiler], [readsf~]) actually do retrieve the information I need, they read both, the number of frames and the number of channels correctly, with all pcm encoded wav files I tried, but - what a pity - they don't expose this information to the patch level.
Hopefully I am overseeing the obvious here. Hints are very welcome.
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