Hi Thomas:
Hi Chun, vis 0/1 is only there for very rudimentary debugging. It is not even really working since connections are not drawn. I don't think i will attempt to "fix" this. I think it's better to think of the dynamically created patcher inside dyn~ as being invisible. Why do you want to set the position?
If the patcher inside dyn~ is best think of as being invisible, I guess getting position is no longer a question. My idea was that to dynamically create/remove reasonably self-contained dsp abstractions (autonomous agents) which requires no connections to be functional. And using dyn~ to create/delete n number of them in real time. By being able to set position, it just makes it easier to view what's there. Am I making sense?
Many thanks for your reply.
best greetings. Thomas
----- Original Message ----- From: "chunlee" leechun@leechun.freeserve.co.uk To: Pd-list@iem.at Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 9:11 PM Subject: [PD] dyn~ newbie questions......
hi there:
just compiled both flext and dyn~ on fedora core2 and got a few questions about using dyn~
how does dyn~ determines the position of newly created objects?
is there a way to specify the position of the object with dyn~'s
"newobj" message?
- apart from switching the "vis" off and on very quickly, is there a
way to update the dyn~ canvas to see the newly created/removed objects?
that's all i can think of now;)
many thanks
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