Hehehehehe, not enough... Chilean earthquakes ...8.8.... ohhhh.... great news Patrick....would you like share with us???? hehehehe
Best regards, restauring country....
2010/7/25 Andrew Faraday jbturgid@hotmail.com
yeah, I've done something similar with twitter feeds before now (using ruby), although I'm not sure how that worked, I suspect it was reading back through the feed rather than updating, the script to work in real time wasn't complete when I last worked on it.
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2010 21:07:41 +0900
From: puredata@11h11.com To: pd-list@iem.at Subject: Re: [PD] pd earthquake notifier
thx for the feedback!
exactly, the first feed is the most recent earthquake. i should code something for updating automagically... and also adding the UTC date and time would be easy. i am using BeautifulSoup to parse the html from the feed (for example, fetching the image source (map)).
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