Am 22.09.2003 18:09 Uhr schrieb "Hans-Christoph Steiner" unter
If you want to use Pd on Linux-PPC, I recommend installing Debian. The key Pd debian packages work on PPC and the others should soon work.
On Saturday, Sep 20, 2003, at 05:48 America/New_York, misosoup wrote:
hi adam once i installed a linux ppc on my ibook but recompiling everything was very difficult and i couldn't make working most of the externals (also there are no support for pd ppc linuxers), So in my opinion paradiddle is definitly THE solution to use pd live on mac It works and sounds greatly without overloading the cpu like tcltk
do you know how should it be possible to use a cocoa browser in order to replace the playlist object in the patch ?
thanks bob
ps:soon i'll release my job with paradiddle
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