On Aug 23, 2010, at 7:01 AM, Frank Barknecht wrote:
On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 01:39:08PM -0400, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
BTW I've been using Pd-Extended's Linux/OSX default font size as the basis for all my patches for making my last 400 patches or so.
I've used Pd vanilla for all my patches so far, with a "10" font-size, whatever that is in pixels. I know, that Pd-extended uses some
different layout for several years now, which makes patches look wrong when you load them in Pd vanilla and the other way around. I have not much interest to discuss the differences between vanilla and Pd-x, as I am hoping the two to unify again with the gui-rewrite. So I'm willing to change my preferences to whatever will be the new vanilla, but I'd prefer to not do again that with every release or with every new Courier-like font that pops up on the Internets' Top 10 console font lists and is so much better than the previous ones.
Unless Miller changes it in the future, Pd 0.43 should have the same
boxes sizes that Pd-extended has had for a couple versions. That was
one of my goals with the GUI rewrite. Its a bug if that's not the case.
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King, Jr.