Hi David I'm not sure I understand what you mean but are you talking about values jumping all over the place from one minute to the next? I have this problem when I use Midi sliders, for instance the the midi values will often jump three values each time I move the midi slider, if this is what you talking about I just use a line object to help it move smoothly to the next value without missing the values in between, is that any help?
--- David McCallum 8dngm@qlink.queensu.ca wrote: >
I was toying around with using lop~ to
reduce jitter and it didn't really seem to do much. Do you have any suggestions as to what settings I should be setting the lop~ to, or is there anything else I should be doing to it? I compared the results of the straight output against the output of the lop~ (with snapshot~) and all I found was that with higher cutoffs of the lop~ the decimals of the values seemed to disappear (but I think this probably isn't anything worth noting), but they both seemed to jitter as much.
Any suggestions?
At 04:49 PM 25/05/2002 -0700, Andrew (Andy) W. "Schmeder wrote:
I built a controller that uses the joystick port
but the jitter is a little too much to deal with
(unless anyone has a
jitter-filter patch they could send me).
To reduce jitter on a joystick I use joystick-value
-> sig~ -> lop~.
There is no loss of information assuming that the
jitter is faster than
you can physically move the joystick.
. . David McCallum . Queen's University Electronic Music Studio Manager . and Noise Maker . html://mentalfloss.ca/sintheta/ .
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