AFAIK the vcf~ is a complex resonator filter, so it only has one pole. The outputs of the vcf~ are real and imaginary part of the complex signal. There is a nice description from Julius Smith on the CCRMA web:
On Wed, 9 Mar 2005, matthew jones wrote:
filters tend to get an unlinear behaviour somehow, the closer the cutoff-freq gets to the nyquist-frequency. maybe someone else has a more 'academic' explanation for that behaviour.
yeah, here goes:
considering the filter in the z-plane, the poles (associated with the peak of the filter) occur in pairs: one is the conjugate of the other. This means that as you move the pole around from zero to pi, another pole mimics this, whose position is the same but reflected in the real axis. As you approach zero or pi, the peaks begin to merge into one, so there is a less rapid fall-off rate. Also the overall gain tends to increase for these regions, if fed white noise. This is simply to do with the superposition of the two responses (+ve and -ve freqs). The picture attached shows the response with a single pole at radius 0.6, first at pi/2 (black) and second at 4pi/5 (red).
Than again, if I'm talking crap please correct me!
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