On Mit, 2017-02-22 at 09:26 +0100, Jérôme Abel wrote:
Hi list,
I succeed in sending UDP messages to an ESP8266 (Wifi Module with Arduino IDE) with Pd-Vanilla [netsend -u]. But if I would like to send OSC messages, I have to use [ [, sendtyped /led i $1, ] < message with [packOSC] --- [udpsend].
The OSC library in Arduino receive "Bundle" messages so I wonder how to send this kind of messages in Pd-Vanilla and [oscformat].
I think you can't. From the help of [oscparse]:
"oscparse and oscformat make no attempt to deal with timetags or aggregates of packets, nor with streaming OSC."
P.S. It's a funny help file anyway: "OSC is a complicated networking protocol" - No, it's not. It's rather a transport agnostic protocol. "(FUDI, as used in netsend/netreceive is simpler and better but less widely used)." - I totally agree ;-)