a DV-firewire camera, pd/gem and os x go very well together.
[pix_video] is what you are looking for.
Max Neupert
Fachgebiet Kunst & Medien
Hochschule für Kunst und Design
Burg Giebichenstein
Halle, Deutschland
Am 22.12.2004 um 17:07 schrieb sara kolster:
> Hi all,
> I'm not familiar with Gem so much, but is there a way [on OSX] to have
> a live-camera-input in Gem?
> I would like to combine the Gem-graphics [mostly 1px-lines] and a
> live-input from a camera, preferably a firewire cam. Otherwise a
> usb-wecam could be an option as well. The Gem-2-pdp bridge isn't
> really an option, since this seems to be 'buggy' or too much for CPU.
> I also tried to work with the pdp-form object, but the lines look
> really pixely and change colors while moving the lines.
> Thanks a lot.
> Sara
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