What is VCN? Also good to label your arrows (audio? or messages?).
I think netsend~/netreceive~ is your best choice. Try an end-to-end test without recompiling first.
I would say UDP makes more sense for audio than TCP/IP. (If you drop a big chunk over TCP, and the application can't recover, then potentially the entire TCP connection must be torn down and restarted -- on both ends, which takes time.
UDP is designed for protocols (like live streaming) where you expect packet loss.
Of course you don't want packet loss! But UDP (theoretically) could *recover faster* than TCP. And that's what you want for audio.
On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 9:36 AM, Mario Sottile wrote:
I need to make this configuration (pay attention only to audio):
First, I thought using NetJack... but I don't know if it is possible.
Then, I found netsend~ and netreceive~ (from netsend~/), but they are compiled to 32 bits arch (I didn't compile them to 64 yet).
Also, somebody told me about Scenic ( )
Could anybody of this list tell me what is the best approach? Another idea?
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