hello pd-community,
(i've moved my earthly location and it took a month to get me a new internet connection, so i hope i haven't missed anything wicked...)
well, to the business:
i want to do a "comprehensive" online reference for PD as my first project on my newly ordered root-server:)
heres a rough code on details i came up conserning pd objects.
would be happy for any suggestion/info !
#####################################################PD_REFERENCE### create table REFERENCE ( OBJECT char(16), # name of the object, you know; tabread, samphold~, etc...
VERSION char(5), # version of the object, assuming start at 0.0.1 ### ? or should i store it as number ?
CLASS char(32), # class of the object eg: math,audio,text... ### ! more than one class for one object; seperated with comma ### ? what classes do we have ?
LIBRARY char(16), # in which library is the object; internal,zexy,gem...
HOME char(64), # homepage of the object/library
STATE char(8), # the state of the object (alpha/beta/stable...)
INS int(1), # how many inputs does the object have ### ? do we have objects with more than 9 ins ?
OUTS int(1), # how many outputs does the object have ### ? do we have objects with more than 9 outs ?
INS_TYPE char(64), # type of input(s) like: "bang,float;float" # that would mean input1 takes bang&float and input2 takes float
OUTS_TYPE char(64), # type of output(s)
INFO char(255), # info/description of the object ### ? is 255 chars too much ?
INS_INFO char(128), # info/description for the inputs (seperated with semicolon) ### ? do we need this ?
OUTS_INFO char(128) # info/description for the outputs (seperated with semicolon) ### as a newbie db admin i just love much info :) ); ##############################################################EOF###
1 big question for mySQL admins before i can start:
? should i put all externals seperate in their own tables ?
"easier"/faster to query from one table. or if it doesnt matter, i think i will use seperate tables...
you're also welcome to send any comments directly to me at: andreschmidt76@arcor.de (yep, deutsch geht auch)
cheers -andre schmidt
ps. i'm doing this on my spare time (thats sadly not much) so please be patience... pss. any PD'ers going to Chaos Communication Camp in Germany ? http://www.ccc.de/camp/2003/index.en.html