On Wed, 14 Jul 2004, Etienne Desautels wrote:
and i was wondering if you have release the OS X version and if there's a binary somewhere? Right now I'm using sfread~ to play some sound files because I need to be able to loop, seek and start to play the file quickly but the seek function doesn't seem to work. So I would like to use readanysf~ !
yes, the new 0.13 release has succesfully been compiled and tested on OSX.
However, I don't have the time to make a OSX package or binary. I know some on the list have it already running on OSX, so maybe they can give you binary if they have it.
you will need gcc (comes with Xcode): download and "./configure, make, make install" the following: libsamplerate libmad libogg libvorbis libflac you will also need to install flext somewhere.
then, for readanysf~, do another "./configure", and "make"
wish there weren't so many dependancies, but that's how it is right now.
best of luck -august.