Hi all,
Nicolas Montgermont a écrit :
The problem is some messages are no more compatible with the 0.05 version. The D2 parameter that was used to simulate a kind of viscosity was a physical nonsense. Oriented links has been implemented, since D2 can be viewed as an oriented link, it has disappeared from the initial parameters.
OK, commited. The D2 parameter has disappeared. It is now replace in the message by a power parameter that describe the power applied to the distance difference :
old "K(L[n] - L[0])" becames "K(L[n] - L[0])^p
It means that with L[0] = 0 and p = -2, you can make gravity field...
Oriented links has been implemented, you can now project forces onto lines or planes...
...and help files are made according to the template n°4 from Ben Bogart, with many infos in the "more_infos" subpatch and a few differences dues to the great number of messages.