On 07/10/2006, at 5.38, Charles Henry wrote:
right, however the austrian/german way introduces less social filters (although it still does, if you have a look at the statistics)
It seems to be a common trend among some european countries to have stricter admission requirements and more competition as a tradeoff for the government supported schools (except for countries like Denmark and Poland, that I know of; everyone is a student there, it seems).
I don't know what hides insider 'stricter admisson'. However, it's
true that it's free to study in denmark if you get in, and that there
is a wee bit of money each month (for a number of months). The
admission differ. Higher art/design/etc schools normally have have a
test, one have to pass. At the conventional universities one get in
by having a "high-school" grade above a specific and study-relative
threshold (which in reality means: each study have room for a number
of new students each year, which will be those with the highest grade).
On topic, i can in no way suggest denmark as for studying computer