I have posted an implementation of the k-NN algorithm as a pd object to my website:
There is a help patch and a readme, but they are probably not that much help. Feel free to ask me questions. The general idea is that objects can be classified by their feature vector (just a pd list of floating point numbers - the numbers can refer to anything i.e. size, shape, spectral features, etc.). You train the classifier by inputting known feature vectors. After the training is complete you can input an unknown feature vector which will be assigned the same classification as the majority of the k (k is a small number like 3 or 5) closest feature vectors in the database (nearest neighbors). The classification is pretty quick as the entire database is in ram and is usually pretty small (a few hundred to a few thousand).
This implementation also has the ability to weight features - that is give more importance to a certain feature. This is done with a vector the same size as the feature vector with weights between 0 and 1. The default is to treat all of the features equally. I have some code that will determine the optimum weights for a database using a genetic algorithm - I will release this after I clean it up a bit.
Here at Peabody we have used a k-NN classifier to successfully recognize sheet music (http://mambo.peabody.jhu.edu/omr) and timbre (I will post papers about this soon). At this point I should give credit to Dr. Ichiro Fujinaga who has done most of this research - I am his graduate student and helped with the implementation and some of the research, but he is the one that deserves most of the credit.
One problem with the current implementation is the the length of the feature vectors and the maximum number of classes is fixed at compile time. If this is really a problem for anyone let me know.
| Karl W. MacMillan | | Computer Music Department | | Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University | | karlmac@peabody.jhu.edu | | www.peabody.jhu.edu/~karlmac |