hey igor,
i just read this message on the list:
Here is some information on where the pd-book is available.
The distribution is mainly handled by our publisher, a small Germany based house; therefore i think there is an emphasis on mid-european distribution. Nevertheless it should be possible to order the book to wherever you live.
publisher: http://www.wolke-verlag.de http://www.wolke-verlag.de/neuerscheinungen/zimmer.htm
their webshop: http://www.buecher-zur-musik.de/ http://www.buecher-zur-musik.de/53108697370a2cb3f/5310869823018c609.html
...maybe the book is helpful for your research.. but i heard that its a bit a pain to get the book delivered, since they are a very small publisher in germany.. anyways if you have questions about the german on the page, let me know, because i am a native speaker..
good luck
On 22/08/06, Igor Crnkovic igor.crnkovic@gmail.com wrote:
Hi !
I'm working on my senior project on Faculty of Philosophy in Rijeka, Croatia, majors in Pedagogy and Computer Science , and my thesis is PureData and its use in multimedia manipulation.
Could someone please direct me to some resources with simmilar texts or projects, lectures, workshop material or anything that would be useful in writing a paper about PD, its use and features.
Many thnx :)
Igor Crnkovic ICQ# : 329-626-854
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