as flash/actionscript is very new to me, i started to rip with TAE the 'flashserver.fla' to find out how small script can i use and this is what i got... please correct my errors. if any, because it worx :)
------"global script" -----------------
/* should this prevent scaling of the flash window & fullscreen ?! /* fscommand("allowscale", false); fscommand("fullscreen", false);
/* funtion for sending a variable to pd for e.g. [route] */ function pdsendvars (symbol, value) { fudi = symbol + " " + value + ";" pd.send(fudi); }
/* quite selfexplaining */ server = "localhost"; port = 31337;
/* i assume this is what connects/inits the pd<->flash connection ?! */ pd = new XMLSocket(); pd.connect(server, port);
------"button script"-------------------
on (press) {
pdsendvars('fSizeX', fSizeX);
pdsendvars('fSizeY', fSizeY);
(there are two "text input" boxes with varNames 'fSizeX' and 'fSizeY') ... then in pd i just take the mostleft output of [flashserver] and route it with [route fSizeX fSizeY]...
...hey, this seems nice simple :)
cheers -andre ps. i use flashMX (6.0) and flashPlayer6 pss. you dont know flashserver -> http://www.akustische-kunst.org/puredata/flash/