OK, now I am becoming concerned. I tried both Frank and mik's suggestions and all I get is "no such file or directory." Yet when I open pd it will say "home/trolls/.pdrc." If I go to another directory, such as usr/lib, and open pd, it says "usr/lib/.pdrc." I'm getting this strange Microsoft flashback where a program would create a temp file when started, and erase it when closed. It doesn't sound like this is what should happen, but it reminds me of it. Is there any other way to check this? I have also tried un-hiding hidden files in the gnome filemanager and looking for it there, but can't find it. And I tried to use locate .pdrc, but that didn't work.
Also, after being able to use zexy by directing it to the path yesterday, I cannot open it today. I get "zexy: cannot load library." I have checked and rechecked and rechecked again the path. Is it starting to look like my system could be messed up? Am I streching? Perhaps I am sleeping and this is just a bad dream. Any ideas are welcome.
Regards, Tim
PS - remember that I am a linux newbie and please type slow.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Frank Barknecht" barknech@ph-cip.uni-koeln.de To: pd-list@iem.kug.ac.at Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2001 2:41 PM Subject: Re: [PD] .pdrc (was:Can't get zexy to load)
Timothy Rolls hat gesagt: // Timothy Rolls wrote:
I thought I had this fixed last night, but now I can't find .pdrc again.
there could be a lot .pdrc-files, but the one used by PD is the one in
home directory. You can find out, where your home directory is, with this command:
$ echo $HOME /home/frank
Your .pdrc always is in $HOME/.pdrc
Another shortcut for $HOME is the tilde ~ Try "less ~/.pdrc" -- __ __ Frank Barknecht ____ ______ ____ __ trip\ \ / /wire ______ / __// __ /__/ __// // __ \ / / __ \ ___
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