It would be great if someone could integrate this into packages/
linux_make/Makefile so that it would be included in the builds
I can lay out the makefile stuff now, if someone has the time to test
it and tweak it. For example, this command needs to be added to
the .deb package installation process:
gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/gnome/
Also, it would very useful to find out how to do this in the "Debian"
# adding pd by default on clicking on this files echo "application/pd-extended=pd-extended.desktop" >> /usr/ share/applications/defaults.list
On Sep 23, 2008, at 1:05 PM, cyrille henry wrote:
yes, this is normal, since .pd file does not have a mime time, so
gnome see it as a text file. here is what need to be done in order to make it work as expected
(on ubuntu):# add mime type to .pd files cp mime_pd-extended.xml /usr/share/mime/packages/pd-extended.xml update-mime-database /usr/share/mime # add icon to this mime type # works curently only on gnome, is it possible to find a better way
to do this? cp /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/pd.png /usr/share/icons/ gnome/48x48/mimetypes/gnome-mime-application-pd-extended.png chmod 644 /usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/mimetypes/gnome-mime- application-pd-extended.png gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/gnome/ # adding pd by default on clicking on this files echo "application/pd-extended=pd-extended.desktop" >> /usr/ share/applications/defaults.listcyrille
patco a écrit :
Hi, something weird is happening if I want to open pd patches with double clic, it opens the patch with gedit
any good gnome user would tell me to right clic on the patch icon and select open with pd
and it works
but after I do this setting, .txt files are opened with pd!??
so I do right clic on txt file, open with gedit
and it works
but after I do this setting, .pd files are opened with gedit
and so on
do someone has the same behavior?
This is happening on ubuntu hardy i386 and pd-extended mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> listinfo/pd-list mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> listinfo/pd-list
"[T]he greatest purveyor of violence in the world today [is] my own
government." - Martin Luther King, Jr.