I have tested bug 2621932 with the reporter's patch, which reproduces the bug 100% of the time.
I have done the test on various PD versions and found out that it appeared on 0.42.0 All previous versions don't have the bug (at least not reproducible with the test patch), while all subsequent versions do have it.
This is the same version in which a feature was introduced such that when you create a new object with another one selected, a connection between the two is automatically created (btw am I the only one who thinks that feature is absolutely annoying?). Dunnow if it is a coincidence or if there may be a relation...
I hope this helps to fix the bug, which is almost a crasher (indeed in most cases it does eventually crash but what happens before the crash is even more dangerous).
Jonathan Wilkes escribió:
Do you have "graph on parent" enabled for the abstractions? If so see bug id# 2621932.
--- On Thu, 12/10/09, Matteo Sisti Sette matteosistisette@gmail.com wrote:
From: Matteo Sisti Sette matteosistisette@gmail.com Subject: [PD] crazy bug: all user actions executed twice To: "PD list" pd-list@iem.at, gem-dev@iem.at Date: Thursday, December 10, 2009, 4:40 PM Hi,
I write just to see if anybody has already seen this happaning and can give me some clue as how to avoid it.
I am not even sure the problem is with GEM, but I have worked on much more huge patches in PD without gem and never seen anything similar.
I am on Windows Vista with the latest PD Vanilla and the latest GEM.
I have not been able to isolate the problem; if anybody with some possibility to debug it is willing to try the patch and find out something I can send it to him/her.
So, the problem is, in some occasions, very frequently (usually after opening the main patch, closing it, and opening it again), every user action (e.g.: clicking on a bang or toggle, hitting some key INCLUDING ctrl+1 to create an object or introducing input into an object or message box, or even a "save as") gets executed two or even more times. As you can imagine that fucks everything up.
If I just open the patch and run it it works fine, but for even the smallest change that implies modifying some abstraction, I have to close PD, open it again, modify the abstraction I have to modify, save, close PD and open it again, since if I just save or even if I close all patches and open the main one again, everything is fucked up. It is impossible to work this way.
Usually restarting the computer makes the bug disappear but then it is a matter of minutes before it starts showing again.
I know that, if this is the first time you hear of it, you will hardly be hable to help, but my hope is that someone has observed this already and have been able to link it to a particular object or condition.
By the way, I have checked that when this happens, NO duplicate "pd.exe" nor "whish84" process exists (provided that task manager is reliable).
Thanks in advance m.
-- Matteo Sisti Sette matteosistisette@gmail.com http://www.matteosistisette.com
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