As often happens, as soon as I have pressed "send" and posted the question, the answer pops out.
xb4 = xb4 - xb4 * xb4 * xb4 * 0.166667f;
is replaced by...
xb4 = xb4 - xb4 * xb4 * xb4 * 0.01f;
...and it works.
Gemnotes-0.1alpha: Live music notation for Pure Data http://sharktracks.co.uk/
From: Ed Kelly morph_2016@yahoo.co.uk To: Mathieu Bouchard matju@artengine.ca Cc: PD List pd-list@iem.at; Joe White joe@rjdj.me; pddev pd-dev@iem.at Sent: Saturday, 24 March 2012, 8:47 Subject: Re: [PD-dev] [PD] Filter design for iPhone
I'm anxious to know what limit is reached in the coefficients of the filter that causes the undefined result (NaN).
I haven't seen the code, but I just want to make you notice that adding together -Infinity and +Infinity results in a NaN ; so does subtracting two infinities of the same sign.
So, the NaN might happen when two expressions that are supposed to partially cancel each other, happen to both overflow, in different directions.
There are various possible causes for NaN, but with formulas that only involve +, - and *, the possibilities are a lot more limited.
Hmmm. I think that's why it puzzles me so. Can you see a / anywhere here?
while (n--) { i1=(*in++); fc1 = (*fc++); res1 = (*res++); q = 1.0f - fc1; p = fc1 + 0.8f * fc1 * q; fcoeff = p + p - 1.0f; q = res1 * (1.0f + 0.5f * q * (1.0f - q + 5.6f * q * q)); i1 -= q * xb4; t1 = xb1; xb1 = (i1 + xb0) * p - xb1 * fcoeff; t2 = xb2; xb2 = (xb1 + t1) * p - xb2 * fcoeff; t1 = xb3; xb3 = (xb2 + t2) * p - xb3 * fcoeff; xb4 = (xb3 + t1) * p - xb4 * fcoeff; xb4 = xb4 - xb4 * xb4 * xb4 * 0.166667f; xb0 = i1; *out++ = xb4; }
No reciprocals, no divisions, just +,-,*. I cannot help thinking I must be reaching a "limit" in the calculus sense...
| Mathieu BOUCHARD ----- téléphone : +1.514.383.3801 ----- Montréal, QC
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