Hello, what's wrong with using PD for converting MIDI messages to OSC protocol?
----- "Jose Luis Santorcuato" santorcuato76@gmail.com a écrit :
Hi, this is strange because usually programs like blender,processing, max work with this protocol, we want to send from a hardware or software ?, if you send from hard enough that the output change to osc ... say what you want to connect and possibly send you the programming Best regards
2010/12/20 Eldad Tsabary tazberry_docs@yahoo.ca:
Hello all, Is there a way to send OSC messages from an external controller to
PD in
windows (since OSCulator only works on Mac OS)? GlovePIE is a nice alternative solution using midi messages, but
hierarchical arrangement of OSC messages is very useful. The only way I can think of is creating a PD subpatch that receives
messages and translates them into OSC messages. Does anyone know of
a better
way (except getting a mac)? Thanks Eldad
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