The attached patch doesn't work... I can do it a different way, but I want to know WHY this doesn't work, and what would be a better approach. I'd like to minimize use of externals as far as possible, but I do have the pd-extended 0.38.4 ... Anyway, based on the help file for pack, I can't see any reason why this patch shouldn't work.
The more general question: without using prepend, how would I attach a new message on to the start of a given message, or a list of floats: ie. I want "1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0" to become "setPtn 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0".
Maybe this is stuff I need with the new list: but I can't use the help for "list" because I'm on 0.38.4, and it breaks in this version; and I can't use the newer pd, without breaking all my libraries that are already installed (and nobody could explain how to make pd 0.39+ play nice with my current install on winXP). So I don't really even know what that [list] object is supposed to do... When I send it a list, it just bangs!