Writing GUI objects is black magic, from what I have tried. It would
be great if you could document anything that you have discovered so
far, I made a wiki page a while back for this:
Add and edit as much as you want. It seems like it should have a
page for each function really, but right now it's just a long list.
On Jun 30, 2007, at 8:53 PM, Carlos Pita wrote:
Hi all,
please anyone experienced with pd internals could give a quick look
to the attached external to help me get it working? There is a
makefile there and a simple test patch. The external is as simple
as it can be, having just a label and a border box. There is some
debugging stuff here and there, mainly calls to sys_vgui are
wrapped by the macro sys_vguid which prints the tk command to
stdout before delegating to sys_vgui. The object is initialized
fine, but the first command passed to tk hangs pd. Maybe I'm
missing some compilation flags (the makefile works fine for
externals without custom gui). To test it just change PD_INC in the
makefile to point to pd source directory and run make, this will
build the library and invoke pd passing it the test patch. I'm
compiling against pd-0.40-2. If you could give me some hint on pd
debugging or to point me to the error I would be very thankful.The debugging output I get is:
carlos@monad:~/dev/sound/pd-ext$ make pd -lib ext test-ext.pd args accepted <- arguments to the object are fine ext_draw <- draw rutine is called (with
IEM_GUI_DRAW_MODE_NEW) ext_draw_new <- draw_new rutine is called .x70b470.c create rectangle 59 101 69 111 -fill #fcfcfc - tags .x70b470.c.baseand here pd gets stuck.
TIA Cheers, Carlos
On 6/30/07, Frank Barknecht fbar@footils.org wrote: Hallo, Carlos Pita hat gesagt: // Carlos Pita wrote:
I've written a tiny external with a custom gui following g_canvas
g_bang. But I don't know how to create a new object of this
class. Should I
add a menu entry? How can I do this? Or can my object be created
adding menu entries and or shortcuts?
Yes, by typing. It's also possible for inlcuded guis: Try objects named "bng", "tgl", "vsl" etc.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__
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