Thanks so much Jamie! I've never written a line of C in my life, but I somehow managed to make an unholy union anyway between Guenter's [getdir] and your [getpatchname]. Now [getpatchname] can take a number argument to get the names of its parents. I attached it here.
An SVN status library is coming soon (which will be easily adaptable to CVS, but that won't be necessary, of course, since PD is moving to SVN any moment : )). Cheers Luke
On Dec 8, 2007 1:48 AM, Jamie Bullock wrote:
On Fri, 2007-12-07 at 22:14 -0800, Luke Iannini (pd) wrote:
Hi all, I have searched high and low for a way to get a patch's file-name, and am quite surprised that there seems to be no way to do it.
I was about to set out making a Subversion library so I could get the status of my patches (and commit changes) from inside Pd. But that's quite impossible without this object.
[getdir] can get the patch's directory; that's as far as I got.
In CVS: postlude/getpatchname should do the trick.