hi !
3 questions concerning your serialize objects ?
packages are more "parallel" than sequences of floats
ouput-packages would be not set (256 may seem big, but yesterday i really needed 16k !!!); how about allocating memory dynamically ?
3 4 5 6"
this of course is no realy hard work and i could do it myself (what i've already done, but not on the machine i am actually sitting so i don't send any codes now); and i don't want to integrate it into zexy (to not have not-exact copies of some objects in various externals)
on the other hand i have just done the vice-versa object (convert packages to sequences) and i thouhgt of naming it "unfold" (still searching for a better name); i definitely do not want it to be called "parallelize" (or "paralyze"), since this is not what it is doing - on the other hand, maybe the names should be coherent....
mfg.df.rar iohannes