ydegoyon@free.fr a écrit :
conclusion : i really think it is ridiculus to say "use linux and be free".
i don't want to be too rude, but some philosophers before you wrote freedom did not exist at all, but think who they were and what they did.
maybee that why i'm not a fan of phylosophy. :-)
i'll build myself a free computer when i'll be able to. i'll will not be free then as i'll use not free chips, but i'll be more free than someone who use a non-free computer. looking for freedom is endless. you should not stop to your OS, your drivers, your bios...
in fact, you can stop wherever you want if you think you'll never be free. but don't be proud of ONLY using a free OS.
will you choose phylosophy or will you buy (build) a soldering iron?
a bientot cyrille
salut, sevy