Hello All !
I'm looking for the right method to execute a .php with [popen] on
Windows (before, all works fine under OSX, i was using [ggee/shell]).
Here is what i do :
[ C:/wamp/bin/php/php5.2.6/php.exe -f C:/wamp/www/ADM/arbre.php 10 ( | [popen]
When i click on this message, Windows open a Command Prompt window
and close it immediately, but i receive nothing with Pd.
However, when i enter directely 'C:/wamp/bin/php/php5.2.6/php.exe -f
C:/wamp/www/ADM/arbre.php 10' in a Command Prompt window and press
'Enter', all works fine and Pd receive the datas.
Any Idea about my problem ?
Thanks. ++