On Dec 2, 2007, at 8:19 PM, Russell Bryant wrote:
drh270 wrote:
This sounds great!
Cool, thanks for the interest. :)
Chris, in an earlier post mentioned using OSC, he was using a Python script, so communicating via OSC may be a starting point.
Yeah, I saw that. Thanks for bringing up OSC again. The trick is
going to be to have a real-time interface that provides both media and call
signaling access. I could put together a native interface in Asterisk for
OSC so that digit presses could be sent out as OSC messages. Then, optionally,
at the same time, the audio could be flowing in and out of Pd, as well.
OSC sounds like a good interface for the messaging since it's not too
complicated and is pretty well supported. One thing that might be
nice to have in the Asterisk OSC is the time-tagged messages. Most
OSC implementations ignore that part of it, unfortunately, but I
think it could be useful to have when syncing different parts, like
if one program was processing audio and another handling video.
Seems to me that perhaps a SIP soft phone may be trickier because rtp audio comes in on many ports, what about a Pd iax2 phone object and have it listen to the audio on port 4569?
SIP is definitely much more complicated than IAX2, and you won't
see me writing a SIP interface. I would definitely go for IAX2. However, I would
say that it's not quite for the reason that you mentioned. For RTP with
SIP, ou always know what port the audio is going to come in on, because you're in
charge of picking it.One issue that is on my mind, is scalability. It's clear to me how
I could implement a Pd patch that could process 1, 2, 3, ... calls, but it
is not yet clear to me how it could support any number N calls, up to what the
network and processing power can support. However, it may be just be that my
Pd knowledge is still very lacking. :)Is it possible to run Pd and Asterisk on the same machine? Like
Icecast?Sure. There should be no problems with that.
-- Russell Bryant
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