On 8/31/06, Frank Barknecht fbar@footils.org wrote:
Hallo, Chuckk Hubbard hat gesagt: // Chuckk Hubbard wrote:
I distribute a zip file of a folder with the PD app, externs, and my patch and its files all sorted in the proper directories. Then have the receiver run a batch file that runs the PD command with the proper flags, including -open mypatch.pd. Would that do it?
Yes, that's basically it. You may want to do packages for all big OSses.
I'll try. All of the shell scripting references I can find have far more info than I need; I'm having trouble finding the straightforward instructions. And since there isn't one site that links to all of the popular externs, it looks like I have to download and mount pd-external and find the .darwin files. Same for the dlls for Windows. Are the license text files for all of the externs included with PD-external?