Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
On Mon, 5 Jul 2004, lee wrote:
Has anyone on this list seen or created a graphical interface that sends messages to PD using an external GUI toolkit? While the TCL/TK style is functional, it's not exactly "modern" as far as GUIs come.
Please elaborate on what "modern" means to you. Identify things for which Tcl/Tk is inappropriate. Then elaborate on how C++/WxWindows does it better. Then list what you think C++/WxWindows's drawbacks/caveats might be. I have no practical experience with this kind of programming, but I think using PD for only DSP and writing the C++ GUI code to pass
Suggestions for the rewriting of a new Pd GUI are a dime a dozen; but a suggestion backed with real code seems to happen only once every few years.
Hey, I wasn't talking shit, I was trying to see what's already available. Chill.
But anyway, modern means things like pull down menus, drag + drop, nested windows with scroll bars. Basically the kind of widgets available in larger applications on Linux, OS X and Windows.