I opened terminal and tried to "cd" over to the new "/pd/usr/" directory. I receive the response: No such file or directory. Did you mean pd/src/?
Hi Mitch,
Yes sorry, this is my mistake. I meant pd/src. For the audio problem: I have done what I described for my sound card because I had similar problems to yours. I did so with the latest version of portaudio(a week ago), so when I gave you the link I went directly to the portaudio download page and took the latest release. Now, according to guenter geiger, the V19(newly released) has different Api from V18, so it might be possible that I used the v18. I am not home until 7pm GTM and won' t be able to check that out before tonight, but to be sure I will send you my pa_mac_core file and you will recompile with it.
If that still does not work, it might be a problem with the Audiocore of your driver. Does it appear correctly in you Audio/Midi OSX application ? Do you use the card with some other third party softwares, does it work with them ?
I will send you the file this evening. Alex