Sounds great! I started to think about how it could be done. One simple start would be to include the list of objects according to function that is found in core-pd. However, I think it would be better to put in in the help menu rather than then right-clicking on the canvas. This would encourage newbies to use the standard pd blocks to start with.
A general function-to-block dictionary is more complicated since there seems to be something like 1000 help files in the doc section... One possibility could be to put a text label in each help file, for example: ;;;pd-extended classification;;;category: audio;function: filter, subfunction: bandpass;;; This is just an example. It could be done in a number of ways e.g. just give keywords. The audio/control classification is of course already evident from the tilde sign.This could be complemented with a short "one-liner": ;;;description: A 2-pole bandpass filter;;;
Then this would be divided in thee tasks:
do in the CVS?) 3. Implement sorting according to function in the browser. (If the browser search the doc section a new lib would be included automatically.)
The first step can be done on this list or in the pd doc group. The second step can easily be distributed. I could spend some time with it and I think I could mobilize more people at the department as well. The last step depends mostly on hans so it would be great to hear your opinion about it. /Anders
marius schebella wrote:
Three, I would like to help build such a database. marius.
Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
I sometimes forget even the names of the objects that I have written, so I would use the dictionary for sure. So you are not alone in the desire for a dictionary, there is at least two of us ;)
On May 30, 2007, at 7:51 AM, Anders Friberg wrote:
This is a quite extreme viewpoint. Translate that to language learning, for example a German learning English. It implies that using a dictionary from German to English is forbidden and the only available dictionary is from English to German. Then assume that the German guy have some basic understanding of the English language but forgot one word... This is exactly my own case. Maybe I am away from pd for a year (God forbid!). Then most of my fluency will fade away and a dictionary would be extremely helpful. I tend to remember functionality but not the exact block name. Am I alone? We also try to avoid any fancy stuff in the basic tutorials but we use pd-extended ourselfs and we provide ready-made patches using pd-extended that the students can interface to. /Anders