Dear all,
I have a problem using pd 0.38 with asio. I use following start bat:
@echo off set PD_INSTALL=C:\Programme\pd\bin set PD_AUDIO=-r 44100 -audiobuf 160 -channels 8 set PD_MIDI=-nomidi set PD_PATH=-path C:/Programme/pd/iemabs -path C:/Programme/pd/externs set PD_LIB=-lib iemlib1 -lib iemlib2 -lib iem_mp3 -lib iem_t3_lib set PD_ASIO=-asio @echo starting pd ... %PD_INSTALL%\pd %PD_AUDIO% %PD_MIDI% %PD_PATH% %PD_LIB%
with Windows 2000 and using a RME Hammerfall DSP Interface.
my problem: there is a time delay between the channels while reading out the recorded data. Could this be because pd is using Asio via Portaudio? Does anyone know how to use pd with Asio without the Portaudio or any other suggestions?
ThankŽs lot Alexandra