- IOhannes m zmölnig zmoelnig@iem.at [2024-05-26 11:17]:
Am 26. Mai 2024 11:11:53 MESZ schrieb "IOhannes m zmölnig" zmoelnig@iem.at:
Am 26. Mai 2024 09:40:02 MESZ schrieb "Peter P." peterparker@fastmail.com:
Will I have to install specific externals via Deken or apt then?
Via deken: only externals that are compatible will be shown. So when running Pd64, you will only see externals that can deal with double precision (or are precision agnostic, eg pure abstractions).
Also note that some maintainers might have chosen to upload separate pd32 and pd64 packages for their externals (as opposed to having a single package for both variants). If both pd variants install into the same directory (which is the default), then installing the pd64 external will (by default) first remove the pd32 external. You can change this (in the deken preferences).
Thanks, do both versions of the compiled externals have the identical filename extension then?
(Sorry, replying to myself here)
this seems the case, at least for apt-packaged zexy: $ dpkg -L pd-zexy | grep .pd_linux /usr/lib/pd/extra/zexy/zexy.pd_linux
...is the only file found.
best, P