Attached is a simple abstraction that contains an osc, a dac, a loadbang that triggers a random that sets the osc's freq, and a print that shows the frequency at loadbang.
Now, do the following experiment:
On a new patch, create an instance of [oscabs].
Surprise! It doesn't sound! However it does print the frequency, so the loadbang was triggered.
Now, create another instance of [oscabs] in the main patch. Surprise! The old one starts playing, and the new one is silent.
You could go on like this: when you add the N-th instance, the N-1-th starts playing.
Now suppose you have created 2 instances and only the first one is playing. Delete the first one: Surprise! The second one starts playing.
Indeed, if you have N instances and the N-th is not playing, you can delete any of the first N-1, and the N-th will start playing.
Now delete all and start from scratch.
You create one [oscabs], it doesn't play. Now select it and do CTRL+D (duplicate) to create a new one. Surprise! Both start playing at the same time, the old and the new one.
If I save the main patch, close and reopen it, all instances are playing, as expected.
Can anyone explain this crazy behaviour?
Testing with 0.40.1 on Windows XP.