Patco ha scritto:
Mathieu Bouchard a écrit :
if you don't put 'list' and the messagebox contents doesn't start with a float, then the message would have that selector instead of 'list', and so would represent a different command to the object.
'list' is the implied selector when a messagebox begins with a nonsymbol; if it begins with a symbol then that symbol is the selector.
All right, it's very clear, so the preset loading message have to begin with 'list' because it hasn't any selector. I was confused because I thought that 'load' was a selector for loading the preset when I've been reading sources, but that 'load' selector didn't work and i've finally found 'list' for selector with random tries, lucky me.
yeah, that would be more "classic" a message like "load presetname" and "save presetname", but that doesn't matter....
i see here [state] only saves floatatoms and symbolatoms
what those objects do, and other gui objects don't?
also, i see no such function about state persistance in dev-docs (i refer to since i haven't found anything else)
is there a reason why pd lacks this (imho essential) feature?