btw, this is exactly what the people at vvvv thought Pd (and similar
programs) didn't do that well, and they programmed it all in. if you look
at that program, it has lots of examples of small stuff that makes the
experience a bit more "pleasurable".
In case someone is interested in putting this in, I would also suggest
that some metadata is created, so that even abstractions etc could make
use of this with help comments, etc.
I just remembered a feature* one could have in the future (it relates to various threads and interesting discussions we had here):
- When rolling the mouse over a outlet of an abstraction it could tell
what that was. (useful for those crazy objects with n-th outs)
How could he tell what that outlet carries? This could be a sort of
metadata comment (or other better/clever idea) added to the subpatch/abstraction
that would be parsed and read by the GUI in order to simplify your work. Like "Metadata/Outlets: sound(mono); data(0.0-1.0); toogle(0-1);
on-off(bang);"Then in our main patch: __________________ |my_giant_abstraction| | *_ *_ _ _ ___________|
When rolling through outlet "1" it would say "Sound(mono)"., and so forth
Conversely, one could do the same for inputs/inlets.
Just a though after many hours of pd, Best regards, Pedro
- maybe this has been though/brought up here, its worth the try.
p.s.: anyway I'll take note of this, maybe I could try a simple version
of it sometime...