Hello, I'm playing with the comport object, I'm reading data that is send by a PIC on ttyS1
I've been troubleshooting this since the beginning: I had strange characters showing up in minicom, and unregular sequences of numbers (with some repetition but never exactly the same) in PD. after double checking the output on the windows program hypterterm I found that I in fact DID print the message 'hello world' from the pic. I found that I had to use "minicom -l" for pass-trough of charachters, either that, or modify my program to print characters in hex format ( I used ascii on the pic side as well) like 0x48 for a 'hello world' . The comport object in pd also expects characters in hex format. Is there a way to enable similar pass-trough for certain characters in the comport object? just printing ascii chars on the pic side is way more comfortable, and I'll have to do a "decimal to ascii" patch as well ( since the comport object in turn converts what I send in hex to decimal?) it would even be nicer if there would be a way to directly capture in ascci.
any hints on this?