There is another thing that I just noticed about the pduino test-patch.
The mode buttons are suggesting that you can turn of all functions by selecting "NONE". This is not true! These buttons have absolutely NO function and should be replaced with the correct commands. While doing this the option "Input-PullUp" should be added.
The Arduino generally defaults to input. Selecting "NONE" at the current state leaves it at the last selected option.
The analogue ins can actually be turned off by the command "analogIns X 0" (where the X stands for the pin number 0-5). The digital input pins need the command "digitalIns X 0" (where the X stands for the pin number 0-11).
I also think that there should be a separate block for digital an analogue (with the available options only) as beginners might think you could select "analog" as an option for digital pins, and so on...
BTW with the fix I just submitted in my last email all digital ins now work flawlessly after testing for several hours. I am amazed that hardly anybody noticed this bug for over two years!