as long as we're on the subject, I'm noticing this seems to be the biggest version difference, it's 3 generations behind (0.43 extended vs 0.46 vanilla). My question is, next release would be 0.44 or would you be able to skip right to 0.46? If the idea is to follow the order and go to 0.44 next, why is it so important to stick to this sequence?
Moreover, what holds pd extended from being updated to the latest versions? Like the original question, would it be possible to just get the extra extended stuff and pack it around vanilla? I understand this wouldn't be as simple as that, but you know what I mean... I wonder if the problem is that there is some "to do list" in the extended agenda that holds it development and update to the latest versions.
2014-09-14 4:07 GMT-03:00 IOhannes m zmölnig
On 09/13/2014 11:03 PM, Billy Stiltner wrote:
as far as compiling I am referring to Pd version 0.46-0 source (2
Megabytes) trying to compile it on a fresh install of ubuntustudio needed some packages, not sure which ones at this point
a good starting point to install all packages needed to compile Pd, is to install all packages needed to build the "puredata" package. (this information is also used by Debian's build-farm):
$ sudo apt-get build-dep puredata
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