I am also interested in compiling gedny~.pd_linux
SSFRR – gendy~http://ssfrr.com/projects/gendy/ ssfrr.com gendy~ is a C++ library and external for PD and Max/ MSP to implement a variant of Dynamic Stochastic Synthesis, a technique developed by Iannis Xenakis.
I have successfully bootstrapped FLEXT but when i run it i get an error that is beyond my skill
here is the error i get
I have reached out to Spencer but he's probably too busy to revisit this old project code but for me Xenakis is a priority for sound design :-)
please take a look!! thanks
/home/pi/Downloads/pd-0.47-1/src/m_pd.h:151:15: note: no known conversion for - Pastebin.comhttps://pastebin.com/Mbj9xhRR pastebin.com
Patrick Pagano B.S, M.F.A
Assistant Professor in Residence
Digital Media & Design
Web & Interactive Technologies
University of Connecticut, Stamford