On 10/24/18 1:11 AM, Lucas Cordiviola wrote:
But my question was: where to put it, so that PD (on OSX) can find it ?
I think on osx you should have the same folder tree:
whateveryourpath-to/externals/pd-dnd-plugin --> here the "dnd-plugin.tcl" whateveryourpath-to/externals/pd-dnd-plugin/tkdnd --> here "libtkdnd2.8.dylib" and all the other .tcl
And then add path " -path pd-dnd-plugin " or [declare -path pd-dnd-plugin].
that's something that puzzled me with your deken package as well: instead of putting the plugin into <PATH>/pd-dnd-plugin/, why don't you just install it it into <PATH>/dnd-plugin? (so you end up with a file <PATH>/dnd-plugin/dnd-plugin.tcl; with <PATH> in Pd's search path) no fuzzing around with preferences, path and lib whatnot. this is how all GUI-plugins are supposed to be installed.
the "pd-" prefix of the github project is probably only there to organize the repositories on github, rather than meant as the canonical installation path.
(as a sidenote, i doubt (having not tried it) whether [declare -path] does *anything* for GUI-plugins, as these are loaded on startup of pd-gui only)
mdsr IOhannes