2010/1/14 Marco Donnarumma devel@thesaddj.com:
ATI is a crap. If you want to make serious 3d/video stuff in GEM on Linux or you change video card, or you go back 8.04. Meanwhile you may want to check this tips for a decent configuration of ATI cards:
http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Additional_options_for_the_radeon_driver https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver
Thanks for the thinkwiki.org link, I've not seen that one. I'm tempted to revert to Hardy 8.04 but have read it's also possible to just downgrade xorg. Might give this a try first. So can someone confirm it's definitely the driver and nothing to do with gem? Just want to make sure before I completely hack up my OS! Is there any other test I could do?
Jack - thanks for the gemhead tip - I had tried numbering them from 1 but it was the same result.