On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 01:08:50PM +0000, David Schaffer wrote:
I would like to know if the memento state saving system is still supported in pd-extended under windows XP. I was using 0.42.5 and had to downgrade to 0.40.3 to be able to recall my presets. In other, more recent versions, the recall process would crash pd instantly. It is frustrating to have to use old versions of pd when so many great people work hard on new releases.
While I don't know about the state of Pd-extended, crashes when using Memento almost always are related to one of the few externals used, namely [pool] and sometimes [prepend]. I think I have replaced all occurences of [prepend] in all Memento/RRADical patches with an abstraction prepent.pd (sic!), so this should not crash anymore, but check on your system to make sure.
Which leaves [pool] as a common reason for crashes. I don't know why it crashes. In my experience, people have been able to solve it with a recompilation of pool and flext for their Pd version. I guess it should be possible to compile for the latest Pd/Pd-X, too, but it's probably something you have to do on your own.
I would suggest to base future preset handling on the [sssad] abstraction. It's also usually not shipped by the Pd-extended maintainer (maybe it is in the latest version, I didn't check), but because it's a single Pd vanilla abstraction, it is very easy to use just everywhere.
Frank Barknecht Do You RjDj.me? _ ______footils.org__