Hi Didit,
I'm based in Sydney and I recently created an installation at the Sydney Opera House that used Pd and Gem. Simon Wise is another guy to check out. I'm not sure if he's in Sydney or Perth at the moment. Greg Schiemer is at the University of Wollongong just outside of Sydney and he teaches Pure Data. There's also a Sydney Dorkbot that might do Pd related things. There are Pd users out there but I don't think there's a Pd community as such. If there is I'm not aware of it.
David Kirkpatrick Sound and Multimedia Artist www.davidk.com.au
--Forwarded Message Attachment-- From: quietdidit@gmail.com To: Pd-list@iem.at Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2010 17:48:23 +1000 Subject: [PD] Any Pd community in Sydney?
Hi there everybody,
I've just moved in to Sydney to go to college again and earn my master degree :) Just wanna know, is there any Pd community/patching circle or anything like that here in Sydney? I think previously there's an event in Sydney featuring an installations built with Pd, so I'm pretty sure several people are using it here.
Thanks and Regards,
-- mataharipertama.wordpress.com lunchboxavworks.wordpress.com
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