My hunch is Miller or somebody changed something with the unsupported donecanvasdialog messages that those droidparty abstractions are (ab)using, but I do not have evidence for this yet.
indeed, for what i know, "donecanvasdialog" changed with 0.48 ! (there has been a post on this list by christof ressi some months ago)
the third argument (the one that represents the "graph on parent" and "hide object names and arguments" checkboxes) has changed its counting method.
what used to be "2" in earlier PD versions (both checkboxes ticked) must now say "3":
so until PD 0.47 it was: donecanvasdialog 1 -1 2 0 -1 1 1 120 60 10 10, dirty 0
from PD 0.48 on it's: donecanvasdialog 1 -1 3 0 -1 1 1 120 60 10 10, dirty 0
that broke my GOP patches too, but i already updated them all accordingly. not too much work ...
but i really think this should be mentioned in capital letters in the release notes for PD 0.48, since i'm sure many people "exploited" this feature to build their customized GUIs