Justin Glenn Smith wrote:
João Pais wrote:
do you know if there's a way to turn qjackctl on through the console? That is, the program is already open, but instead of clicking start or stopp, I wanted to do it with bash commands.
qjackctl uses jackd as a backend, so you can do what you want without accessing qjackctl at all and just using jackd (whether jackd was started by qjackctl or not).
You can manually run jackd with the commands qjackctl would have used by running "sh .jackdrc"
If you start jackd in this way, then qjackctl should see that running jackd instance instead of making a new one.
To stop jackd from the commandline, regardless of how it was started, you can run "killall jackd".
You can use the various jack tools like jack_lsp, jack_connect, jack_disconnect, to do the things you would usually do in qjackctl from the command line (list client ports, connect them to one another, disconnect them from one another).
dbus-send --system /org/rncbc/qjackctl org.rncbc.qjackctl.start
dbus-send --system /org/rncbc/qjackctl org.rncbc.qjackctl.stop
is equivalent to pressing qjackctl's start&stop buttons.
YMMV. robin